Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ivor Boyagoda in the Staff Room

The amazing thing about the picture in retrospect, is how long Ivor Boyagoda's hair is.

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone,

    It was such a pleasure to go back in history to the late sixties, the seventies, and the eighties and see so many photos and names of former Oshawa Catholic High School students and teachers. I taught at the school for thirty-eight happy years. Thank you Greg Bodnar for setting this up.

    I would like to organize an old-timer's badminton tournament for teachers and students, for Spring 2011. I need some help contacting former students. Please pass this message on to any former OCHS badminton players, including:

    Mary Kreisz
    John Smegal
    Guy Lacroix
    Brian O'Connell
    Stella Stanko
    Lyn Levandoski
    Patty Comerford
    Rob Van Derlaan
    Donna Whorms
    Rita Grotenhuis
    Jane Gimpelj
    Marg Simmons
    JOhn Finley
    Brian Mitchell
    Paul Corey
    Brian Noonan

    If you are yourself interested in playing or have contact information for anyone who would be, I can be reached at


    Ivor Boyagoda
