Sunday, May 17, 2009

Initiation Pics Continued ...

The following series comes from Grade 9 Initiation (or Minor Niners as they were called). As previously iterated, it is politically incorrect to humiliate and torture these days. Back in our day, it was considered a worthy spectacle. But in an earlier day, so was feed Christians to the lions. Ahhh ... I miss the smell of DDT in the morning.

The sign that the person is wearing is "Minor Niners Waddle to School". The only person that I can identify, is Cathy Montgomery in the upper right corner. Update from reader: Girl with glasses is Mary Ellen Barrett.

Above is part of the crowd totally enjoying the humiliation and degradation of the Grade Nine students. Mark Foley is identifiable. The tall dude, I believe is a Kreisz (sp?) and the blonde long-haired individual is Benny Winterink, who has passed away (R.I.P.).

Update: A reader has a much better memory than mine: Middle photo - foreground (left to right) - Mike Foley, Francis Kreisz, Benny Winterink, Bernadette Barber, Melody Lack.

Take a look at the eggs and various filthy substances in the bottom of the pic to smear the Grade Niners. At the extreme top left of the pic, is Italo Labignan.


  1. Top photo - girl in foreground with glasses is Mary-Ellen Barrett.
    Middle photo - foreground (left to right) - Mike Foley, Francis Kreisz, Benny Winterink, Bernadette Peters, Melody Lack.

  2. My apologies - Bernadette's last name is Barber (not Peters - my mind went Broadway for a moment!)

  3. Dayum, its tough to keep up to you. Drop me a note:

    This has been an amusing Easter Sunday, especially since I am supposed to be working.
