Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mailbag - Another student from the past heard from - York Chan

(This is York photographed in 1973)

And this is York today:  He writes:  I am not sure why I looked so upset when the photo was taken in 1973.
I am a happy person now since I only work three days a week.  Attached is the photo taken at work. It appears that I am still wearing the same sweater! 

I got this in the mail yesterday.

Hi. I am York Chan, your 73 Grade 13 classmate in OCHS.  I stumbled onto the OCHS blog.  It is nicely done.  You must have put a lot of thoughts and effort in setting it up. 

I left Durham Region after graduating from OSCH.  In 1998,  I returned to Durham Region working in the engineering organization in Pickering Nuclear.

I appreciate OCHS for providing a breeding ground for a group of students from Hong Kong.  Mr. Arthur Chai treated this bunch of students as his extended family. He is certainly missed. 

York Chan

Good to hear from you York, and thanks for taking the time to ping me. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Update August 2015

 Click on any pic for larger image:  John Donker & Tito-Dante Marimpietri (alumnus & city councillor)

 Suzanne, Anne & Suzanne (no further info)

Sister Anne Schenck, Paul Pulla (Director of Education) and Sister Conrad Lauber)

It's been awhile, and things have moved on.  The 50th Anniversary of the School has come and gone, and I've noticed that the official website is down.  I went and I was a little disappointed at the turnout. 

I've started collecting images around the web of the anniversary, and will be putting them up here, as perhaps a central place for archives.

My network of fellow students that I've kept in touch with is still in place, and I ping them once in awhile.  Just had a nice cafe chat with Carolyn who was named the Outstanding female graduate the year that I was named the outstanding male graduate.  One of my close high school friends has said to me "High school was sooo long ago!".  It's true, but it was a seminal period in my life. 

We are all older, and the list of the dead grows yearly.  One day it will be totally complete. To add to that list, is Howie Cannon.  He was in grade school with me at St. Joes, and went to OCHS along with many members of his family.  This is his high school pic and his obituary pic:

Time can be quite cruel to us all. Another one of my contacts just emailed me today and said that we are all getting long in the tooth.

However friendships forged in those crucible years last (at least they do for me), and although the past is the past, it is what made me today.

More reunion pictures from the web will be sporadically posted as I find them.  I hope that your universe is unfolding as it should, and should you wish, drop me a line.  I always respond.  


PS:  This link is a pdf history of the school that was compiled by Maureen Moloney, complete with pitchers -- although none suitable for colouring. Enjoy.